Apr 7Liked by Sarah DeVries

You have a cadre of old time readers who actually read your stuff and think very highly of your writing. Don't think of ever giving up on that. It is a rare gift.

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I have had clinical depression for decades, and take a med. every day. Clinical depression makes everything seem sadder, worse, harder, more terrible, that it actually is. The med. helps me deal with situations as I would as a "normal" person. But that does't mean I am immune from situational depression, which could come from divorce, death of a loved one, lonliness, etc. Depression is not something you can have at will. Maybe you can pretend to be depressed in order to receive attention, but real, situational depression needs to be dealt with and worked through.

I'm glad you are back, Sarah; I've missed you! Loretta

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Love your essays, long or short, political or not.

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Apr 7Liked by Sarah DeVries

Good to see you back.

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